Cross and Scallop Memorials Cross and scallop memorials can either be single or doubles. Flower vases can be added to either one. SC001 $4,000 plus tax SC002 $3,600 plus tax SC003 $3,600 plus tax SC004 $3,600 plus tax SC005 $3,600 plus tax SC006 Black $5,500 plus tax SC007 Blue $5,700 plus tax SC008 Tropical Green $5,700 plus tax DC001 Mahogany $4,300 plus tax SC009 Pink $4,100 plus tax FNC001 Red $4,500 SCM001 $2,800 or $4,000 SCM002 $2,800 or $4,000 SCM003 $2,800 or $4,000 SCM004 $2,800 or $4,000 SCM005 $2,800 or $4,000 SCM006 $2,800 or $4,000 SCM007 Pink $5,200 or $7,900 SCM008 Red $5,700 or $8,700 SCM009 Black $7,300 or $11,300 SCM010 Mahogany $5,500 or $8,700